The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives the public a general right of access to recorded information held by public authorities but there are exemptions. For the purpose of FOIA, the government has designated the PSR as a public authority.

Anyone can make a FOIA request to the PSR. FOIA is enforced by an independent body, the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).

PSR Publication Scheme

We are committed to proactively and regularly publishing information on our website. Under FOIA we are required to publish and maintain a publication scheme setting out:

  • the types of information we will publish
  • the way in which the information will be published
  • whether or not we will charge for providing the information

We have applied the principles of the ICO’s model publication scheme to our website and provided information in the seven categories listed below. Information on our website is free of charge, except where the information will be used commercially (Re-use of PSR information).

Note: We share some of the processes mentioned with the FCA, these have been highlighted (FCA).

Who we are and what we do

Organisational information, structures, careers at the PSR, biographies of our Executive team and Board membersinformation about the legal basis for our activities, and information about how to contact us is included in this section. 

What we spend and how we spend it

Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditureprocurement, contracts and financial audit. Our financial statements and budget.

Our priorities and how we are doing

Information about our Strategy and plans, performance indicators, inspections and reviews.

How we make decisions

Decision making processes and records of decisionsConsultationssummary minutes of PSR Board meetings and internal guidance are included in this section.

Our policies and procedures

Current written protocols some that we follow when delivering our services and responsibilities. This section includes our policies and procedures for providing our services, and for the recruitment and employment of staff (FCA), our complaints procedure, data protection (FCA), code of conductemployee handbook (FCA) and our records management policy (FCA).

Lists and registers

Information held in registers required by law and other lists and registers relating to our functions. This section includes our disclosure log and a summary of expenses claimed by our Managing Director and executive members of the PSR's Board.

Individual rights requests

The FOIA does not give people access to their own personal data (information about themselves). If you want to see information the PSR holds about you, you should make an Individual Rights Request (also known as a Subject Access Request). Please complete and the return the form to the Information Disclosure Team.

The services we offer

For information about the services we offer, see our advice and guidance, the purpose of the PSRwho we regulate, and latest media releases.

For further information on publication scheme requirements under FOIA, see Model publication scheme on the ICO’s website.

To comment on the PSR’s Publication Scheme: