Authorised push payment (APP) fraud happens when a fraudster tricks someone into sending a payment to an account outside of their control. There are more incidents of fraud than any other crime type in the UK, with APP fraud accounting for 40% of fraud losses in 2022.

In a significant step towards greater transparency, we are publishing 2022 data (from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022), covering:

  • the reimbursement of victims (from the largest 14 banking groups)
  • how much money is sent from each payment firm as a result of APP fraud (from the largest 14 banking groups)
  • how much money is received by each payment firm as a result of APP fraud (all payment firms in the UK)  

The data includes the UK’s 14 largest banking groups (directed firms), along with the data for nine other smaller firms that were in the top 20 highest receivers of fraud (non-directed firms).

This means, for the first time, you will be able to see the full extent of how well your bank has performed in tackling APP fraud and how they treated victims in the last year, compared to other UK banks and payment firms. 

On this page you’ll find this comparison data, as well as the full downloadable report. We will continue to collect data from payment firms over the next 12 months and will publish 2023’s report next year.

To ensure more consistent consumer protections are in place, we have also been pushing forward mandatory reimbursement requirements for victims of APP scams which will come into force in 2024.

The UK’s payment firms have also seen additional interventions from the PSR to improve data sharing to spot and prevent scams, and the roll-out of the name-checking service, Confirmation of Payee.    

Metric A: Percentage of reported APP fraud losses refunded by value

The chart shows the percentage of total APP fraud losses that were reimbursed to consumers by each firm in 2022. For example, TSB refunded 91% of the total value of APP fraud losses in 2022.

Bank Percentage of loss refunded by value
TSB* 91%
Nationwide 78%
HSBC, First Direct 73%
Barclays 70%
Santander 63%
NatWest, RBS, Ulster Bank 62%
The Co-operative Bank 54%
Lloyds, Bank of Scotland, Halifax 49%
Metro Bank 42%
Clydesdale, Virgin Money 38%
Starling 37%
Monzo 22%
Danske Bank 20%
AIB 10%

* TSB was unable to separate out FOS reimbursements from its data, causing its reimbursement statistic to be overstated in the chart – but this is not likely to have any material effect on its ranking.

Metric A: Percentage of reported APP fraud losses refunded by volume

The chart shows the percentage of APP fraud cases that were fully and partially reimbursed by each firm. For example, Nationwide fully reimbursed 91% and partially reimbursed 4% of the APP fraud cases in 2022.

Bank Fully reimbursed Partially reimbursed
TSB* 94% 4%
Nationwide 91% 4%
Barclays 79% 13%
Santander 54% 29%
Lloyds, Bank of Scotland, Halifax 69% 12%
HSBC, First Direct 66% 14%
NatWest, RBS, Ulster Bank 70% 6%
The Co-operative Bank 33% 40%
Metro Bank 59% 11%
Clydesdale, Virgin Money 48% 12%
Starling 44% 6%
Danske Bank 7% 10%
Monzo 6% 8%
AIB 12% 0%

* TSB was unable to separate out FOS reimbursements from its data, causing its reimbursement statistic to be overstated in the chart – but this is not likely to have any material effect on its ranking.

Metric B: Value of APP fraud sent per £ million of transactions

This data shows how much money consumers at the 14 major UK banking groups lost to APP fraud for every million pounds of transactions sent. For example, for every £1 million of Santander transactions sent in 2022, £322 of that was lost to APP fraud.

Bank Value per £ million of transactions
TSB £348
Nationwide £207
HSBC, First Direct £234
Barclays £144
Santander £322
NatWest, RBS, Ulster Bank £134
The Co-operative Bank £196
Lloyds, Bank of Scotland, Halifax £274
Metro Bank £280
Clydesdale, Virgin Money £156
Starling £112
Monzo £280
Danske Bank £57
AIB £23

Metric B: Volume of APP fraud sent per million transactions

This data shows how many APP fraud payments were sent per million transactions at the 14 major UK banking groups. For example, for every million consumer transactions that Monzo sent in 2022, 141 were reported as APP fraud payments.

Bank Volume of payments per million transactions
Monzo 141
Metro Bank 127
Starling 127
Santander 117
Lloyds, Bank of Scotland, Halifax 106
NatWest, RBS, Ulster Bank 105
TSB 100
Barclays 95
Nationwide 84
HSBC, First Direct 67
Clydesdale, Virgin Money 56
The Co-operative Bank 53
AIB 40
Danske Bank 39

Metric C: Value of APP fraud received per £ million of transactions Non-directed PSPs

This data shows which smaller banks and payment firms received the highest value of APP fraud in 2022 per million pounds of transactions. For example, for every £1 million received into consumer accounts at Clear Junction, £10,335 of it was APP fraud.

Firms in the chart were identified as being in the top 20 receivers of fraud by absolute value in the UK in 2022. Firms were then ranked from 1 to 20 on the basis of their fraud rate. A firm with rank 1 would have the highest APP fraud rate.

Bank / Firm Value received per £ million of transactions Non-directed PSPs
Clear Junction £10,335
BCB Payments £7,079
Cashplus Bank £5,916
PayrNet £5,765
PrePay Technologies £4,814
ClearBank £1,575
Revolut £1,158
Wise £867
JP Morgan/Chase £334

Metric C: Value of APP fraud received per £ million of transactions Directed PSPs

This data shows which major UK banking groups received the highest value of APP fraud in 2022 per million pounds of transactions. For example, for every £1 million received into consumer accounts at Metro Bank, £696 of it was APP fraud.

Firms in the chart were identified as being in the top 20 receivers of fraud by absolute value in the UK in 2022. Firms were then ranked from 1 to 20 on the basis of their fraud rate. A firm with rank 1 would have the highest APP fraud rate.

Bank Value received per £ million of transactions Directed PSPs
Metro Bank £696
TSB £605
Starling £307
Monzo £227
Barclays £217
Clydesdale, Virgin Money £205
Nationwide £115
HSBC, First Direct £129
Lloyds, Bank of Scotland, Halifax £115
NatWest, RBS, Ulster Bank £76
Santander £44

Metric C: Volume of APP fraud received per million transactions Non-directed PSPs

This data shows which small banks and payment firms received the highest number of APP fraud payments per million transactions. For example, for every 1 million transactions received by consumers at JP Morgan/Chase, 430 of those transactions were APP fraud payments.

Firms in the chart were identified as being in the top 20 receivers of fraud by absolute volume in the UK in 2022. Firms were then ranked from 1 to 20. A firm with rank 1 would have the highest APP fraud rate.

Bank / Firm Volume received per million transactions Non-directed PSPs
Dzing Finance 187,695
Prepaid Financial 7,602
PayrNet 4,459
Cashplus Bank 3,361
PrePay Technologies 2,859
Think Money 1,735
Wise 945
Revolut 787
ClearBank 636
JP Morgan/Chase 430

Metric C: Volume of APP fraud received per million transactions Directed PSPs

This data shows which major UK banking groups received the highest number of APP fraud payments per million transactions. For example, for every 1 million transactions made by consumers at Starling, 119 of those transactions were APP fraud payments.

Firms in the chart were identified as being in the top 20 receivers of fraud by absolute volume in the UK in 2022. Firms were then ranked from 1 to 20. A firm with rank 1 would have the highest APP fraud rate.

Bank Volume received per million transactions Directed PSPs
Metro Bank 180
Starling 119
TSB 93
Monzo 67
Barclays 66
Nationwide 65
Lloyds, Bank of Scotland, Halifax 45
NatWest, RBS, Ulster Bank 44
HSBC, First Direct 38
Santander 30

AIB, Danske Bank, the Co-operative Bank and Clydesdale/Virgin Money are not included in this list despite being directed PSPs. This is because they were not identified as being in the top 20 receivers of fraud.