You can make a complaint by filling in our complaint form below.

For help completing the form you can find more information on our Complaints against the PSR web page

(If applicable)
To be eligible to be considered under the PSR Complaints Scheme, your complaint must relate to dissatisfaction with the actions we have taken, or actions you think we should have taken. You must be directly affected, or be representing someone who is directly affected.
Include details of any compensation you have already received.
For example: mistakes or lack of care; unreasonable delay; unprofessional behaviour; bias; or lack of integrity. Please include copies of correspondence you want to be considered as evidence with this form. We may not be able to progress our investigation of your complaint until we have received all the ininformation we need.
This could be (for example) an apology, for us to consider changing our practices, or a goodwill (ex-gratia) payment.
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