We have approved 15 applications for exemptions under the terms of Specific Direction 10 (Confirmati…
Specific Direction 1 requires sponsor banks to publish information on their sponsor bank services an…
General Direction 1 requires participants and regulated persons to have an open and cooperative rela…
General Direction 5 requires the operators of Bacs, Faster Payments, Cheque and Credit , and LINK to…
General Direction 4 requires the operators of Bacs, Faster Payments, Cheque and Credit, and LINK to…
General Direction 3 requires payment systems regulated under Regulation 103 of the Payment Services…
General Direction 2 requires the operator of Bacs, Faster Payments, and Cheque and Credit to have ac…
This factsheet summarises the revisions we made to our 'day one' Directions in March 2020.
Draft Variation of Specific Direction 4 on competitive procurement of central infrastructure